The output stage has been disassembled from its bracket. The condition of the silicone heatsink compound must be assesed and replaced if necessary.
The cleaned amplification module ready for installation.
Almost done...
The output stage has been disassembled from its bracket. The condition of the silicone heatsink compound must be assesed and replaced if necessary.
The cleaned amplification module ready for installation.
Almost done...
3年前作的,线比较乱 这个版本的1875我做过中最好听的版本,现在换了ecc88,爽,我还...
先来一张2年前手工搭棚的机机 对称的4声道0DB跟随器,作为桥接输出用的 这是胆电压放...
楼主的破有源音箱坏了,(3元一对在地摊上买的)。如图, 没有什么效果可言,只是能发...