国外的 简约的离散高保真前置放大器 前级
时间:2012-09-21 11:17 来源:sound.westhost.com 作者:admin 点击:次
自动翻译过来的 简约的离散高保真前置放大器 (Discrete Opamp)(离散Opamp) Rod Elliott (ESP)杆艾略特(ESP) Please Note:请注意:PCBs are available for the latest revision of this project. 多氯联苯可供最新修订的这个项目。Click the image for details.点击图片查看细节。 Introduction介绍 A preamp designed for the minimalist, and having no frills at all is the design goal for this project. 一个前置放大器设计简约,没有虚饰完全是为这个项目的设计目标。It was originally designed as a preamp for the Death of Zen (DoZ) Class-A power amp (Project 36), and has very low levels of noise and distortion, in a minimum component count, fully discrete circuit. 它最初的设计是一个前置放大器的死亡,禅(打)甲级功率放大器(项目36),已经非常低水平的噪音和失真,在最小的组件数量,完全离散电路。The Revision-A version dispenses with the single 30V supply, and can be used with the P05 power supply, or any other supply with low ripple and noise. 修订过的版本无需单30 v电源,可以用P05电源,或任何其他供应与低纹波和噪声。Operation is permissable with supply voltages up to ±20V, allowing additional headroom.可允许的操作与供应电压±20 v,允许更多空间。 This gain module can be used as the basis for any preamp - performance is exemplary, with low noise, wide bandwidth, and it sounds extremely good indeed.这个增益模块作为基础任何前置放大器-性能是模范,噪音低,宽的带宽,这听起来非常好的确。 You can add as many inputs as you need, and the only controls are volume and input selection. 您可以添加尽可能多的输入,因为你需要,唯一的控制是体积和输入选择。A power switch is also a good idea, but if you wanted to you could leave the preamp running all the time. 一个电源开关也是一个好主意,但是如果你想要你可以离开前置放大器运行所有的时间。This is not necessary, as it will reach a stable operating condition within a few seconds, and will not change its characteristics to any audible degree.这是没有必要的,因为它将达到一个稳定的操作条件在几秒钟内,不会改变它的特性到任何声响程度。
The preamp can also be used with other amplifiers, and can drive an impedance of 3k Ohms with ease. 这个前置放大器也可以用于其他的放大器,可以驱动一个3 k欧姆阻抗与缓解。As shown, frequency response is absolutely flat from 10Hz to 100kHz, without any frequency stabilisation required. 如图所示,频率响应是绝对平从10赫兹到100赫兹,没有任何频率稳定要求。The table shows the rated performance of the gain module.上表显示了额定性能增益模块。 (责任编辑:admin) |